The Family of Patti Winters
Megan Cevoli
Sandy Miller
Connie Hoyt
Prudence Robinson
Beth Thornton
Christine Nichols and boys
Kathy Hill-Bahner
Austin Fowler and Family
Paul Nation
Tedles Templeton
Paul Brown
Greyson Rohr
Erin, Kelly, and Jamie (3 sisters with breast cancer)
Julie Leonard
Phyllis Foster
Garry and Lila Niehoff
Erik Patterson
Kathy Reynolds
LaDora and Richard Jackson
Bruce Hurd
David Brunner
Pastor Darron and his Family
Our Session
Our Nominating Committee
Our Staff
Victims of Shootings
Victims of Hate Crimes
Our Schools, all Levels and All Staff
Children and Parents
Our Military
Chase Reed & Family
Melissa Ashwill's son, Matthew
Grace Bennett
Those facing injustices of any kind
The Unemployed
Employers looking for workers
Our President and Vice-President
Our Local Leaders
Our World Leaders
Our Church Family in Assisted Living and Nursing Homes
Our Police and Fire Departments
Those affected by natural disasters
Our Enemies
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church 401 West 13th Street Ottawa, KS 66067